Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Hi. ( ・_・)ノ

If you somewhat ended up here, chances are you’re going to your first convention soon. ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒

I don’t know if all anime conventions work the same way as the ones held here in our country (PHILIPPINES), so I’m just gonna assume it does.

Here are some few things that might help you enjoy it more:

    - Know everything there is to know about the con. From the basics (place, date, duration), to the events that are gonna be held and so on. Some cons provide blueprints so you might wanna check that out to avoid going in circles trying to find the stage, booths and other stuff (It’ll make your life easier plus it saves energy, so you’ll have plenty more calories to burn on fangirling/fanboying…. Because you will, I guarantee). (´`)

    - Speaking of basic, tickets! Some cons pre-sell them and usually, they’ll be cheaper and some might even offer promos that you’ll be thankful for. If ever a con have a pre-sell, I usually prefer it since I won’t have to wait in line to buy tickets in the actual convention. I just go straight in (and came out wrong. Lol. I just too much yaoi. Sorry. Not sorry.) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    - This is probably the hardest part. MONEY. You think you have it all planned out until something catches your attention and your soul will not rest until you have that shite in your hands… and it’s outside your budget range. To avoid that, you might wanna stroll around the whole dealer’s room first before deciding what to purchase. Make a list (you don’t have to jot it down, you lazy hooman, but it’ll be ideal if you do), then know your priorities. Decide which ones do you really want and learn to resist (Seriously dude, resist. It’s gonna be hard but for the love of oppai, resist). It’ll be good if you could also squeeze some extra money for emergencies (Got that? It’s for emergencies. Don’t even think about spending it on another poster or doujinshi or whatever the hell there is that you want to buy. Again. RESIST.) (_)

    - If you could, please do bring your own food. Sure, they’ll be food stands inside but, the prices of those shites double more than they originally do. So yeah… you might wanna bring your own snack (Plus you can save that money to buy more merch. Thank me later *winks*). I’m not telling you should, it’s just an option I prefer and also an option that you might like. Decide on whichever you’re more comfortable with.

    - Don’t forget your phone, especially if you’re planning to have meet-ups and stuff. You’ll also regret not having something to take a photo with if you bump with a cosplayer who nailed the character you like (They’ll be tons of them in the con and you’ll be running from one cosplayer to another, swallow your dam shyness and ask them to take a freakin’ picture with you… and then they’re gonna refuse because they’ve been standing for hours. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry.) Kidding aside though, it happens and as offending as it may seems, try to understand their situation instead. You can always ask them again later (just don’t be creepy about it). Give them time to rest, that’s all. (^v^)

    - Don’t be rude. Need I say more? Okay. More than anything, this applies when you’re trying to take a photo with a cosplayer. Ask nicely and if you wanna lean on them, act out a scene from the series they’re cosplaying or others, ask them first if it’s okay. Some cosplayers are cool about those but some are still sensitive and might find it surprising if you just act it out on your own. And don’t try those pervy ninja moves. You know dam well they’re wrong. Guys, be a gentlemen, and girls, do whatever the feminine equivalent of being a gentleman is (I don’t know the term. Sorry). ( ̄」)

    - And the most important of all. Enjoy every bit of it. Release that inner fanboy/fangirl and let the fun begin. (゚ヮ゚)

I hope this will help. ヾ(^∇^)

Thank you for sticking till the end. ( ゚▽゚)/

Potato Goddess